Cubic Aggregator
Do the algorithm
Cubic aggregator is hadoop based big data solutions for real time analytic insights from Cubic Analytics. Cubic analytics is developing what it says is an “all-in-one” business intelligence platform for Hadoop .It collect, cleanse, aggregate the structured data, semi-strutured data and unstructured data in Hadoop and then export either a subset or an aggregated version of it to the Data Warehouse for advanced analytics. Sometimes it pushes the results of the analytics back on Hadoop for archiving and re-runs purposes.
Cubic aggregator is supporting the following domains.
Call center:
Cubic Aggregator reconstructs a customer’s path through a company by culling data from multiple sources within the company–such as online banking systems, set-top boxes or call centers–and outside the company, like Twitter.
Once it’s done that, the software analyzes the data to find ways to retain customers and to squeeze more operational efficiency out of their businesses.
Big Data Provides Big Opportunity for Bank Loyalty. With Cubic Aggrecator you can offer customers a new level of insight and stand out from the competition.
Risk Modeling : Financial firms, banks and others use Cubic Aggregator to analyze large volumes of transactional data to determine risk and exposure of fincnaical assets, to prepare for potential “what-if” scenarios based on simulated market behavior, and to score potential clients for risk.
Fraud Detection : Use Cubic Aggregator to combine customer behavior, historical and transactional data to detect fraudulent activity. Credit card companies, for example, use Big Data technologies to identify transactional behavior that indicates a high likelihood of a stolen card.
Cubic aggregator gives solutions for the media/entertainment industry moved to digital recording, production, and delivery in the past five years and are now collecting large amounts of rich content and user viewing behaviors.
Cubic aggregator gives solutions for the healthcare industry is quickly moving to electronic medical records and images, which it wants to use for short-term public health monitoring and long-term epidemiological research programs.
Cubic aggregator gives solutionsSensor data is being generated at an accelerating rate from fleet GPS transceivers, RFID tag readers, smart meters, and cell phones (call data records [CDRs]); that data is used to optimize operations and drive operational business intelligence (BI) to realize immediate business opportunities.